Saturday, October 1, 2011

Metro : Last Light

For fans of first person action games tired of all identical in the genre was definitely swollen, Metro last year 2033 a pleasant surprise. Based on a novel by Dmitry A. Glukhovsky and developed by Ukraine 4A Games, Metro 2033 he joined the players in the Moscow subway shortly after the Apocalypse, where the atmosphere was poisonous, the safest area was underground, and even that was devastated by the monstrous "The Dark. " The game had a unique atmosphere, and survival horror elements, the player has very limited resources, put a new spin on a tired genre. However, Metro was too small for 2033 several bugs and glitches permeates the design, and many thought that any criticism of the game is not fully realized.

Fortunately, THQ will release a new Metroid game next year, and is more than the original smooth edges committed. The new game, Metro: Last Light, do not deviate much from the formula established in 2033 in the Metro. A story from the pen of 4A, but under the supervision Glukhovsky, a year after the original, and again follows the young survivors Artyom. And while the dark ones have left the previous game, a neo-Nazi group has taken over, and Artyom must find a mysterious creature called "The Prisoner", to save what remains of the world. (Note that this game has nothing to do with the novel Glukhovsky Metro 2034, the most appropriate of a bad artistic experiment was an action game).

However, the elements of the Metro: Last Light is the most convincing ones made by Metro 2033. 4A is a unique world, players play with more care than they require to create. Other survival horror games require careful conservation of resources, but in the underground world, everything is limited and difficult to replace. The economy remains the use of bullets as currency, players must balance the amount of ammunition used in battle and how much they are prepared to use their hand-made air guns. The air in the upper world is toxic, players need to conserve and manage the oxygen back the character of the mask filters gas. And the environment is to remain most important asset of a player, covering all players in the Moscow underground catacombs can be found to avoid enemy fire and cover its own tracks. These elements have been hampered by errors in the original design and even 4A relate to your own game as "flawed", a masterpiece. Its main objective is to eliminate the "bad" in this statement.

Despite the atmosphere of the last light is very similar to its predecessor, the game received a design review. 4A Games to openly acknowledge the weakness of the Metro 2033, and the developer of Ukraine is determined to build the game from the beginning. Problems with stealth and fight sequences were not treated, promising improvements in enemy AI and a pardon inconsistent for headshots. The graphics have also improved fidelity, so that the dramatically lit the underground catacombs of Moscow, and even more afraid to add details to the dynamics of the field, and that breaks mid-battle.

That is an admirable goal. In an industry that continues to be a homogenous group "Westernization" embrace, could be another dose of 4A Eastern flavor is exactly what many players looking unhappy. You still have to wait long until THQ publishes Metro: Luz past, and there are still many unanswered questions (like exactly what it says is the multiplayer mode 4A). But it's safe to say that his second trip through the Moscow metro in ruins on the right track.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Granado Espada

One of interest is an MMO from the creators of Ragnarok Online, Granado Espada namely, that brings the player to play the characters who come from afar to help the colonization and exploration of new-found world. The characters are based on design and architecture of the 17th century, but the monsters and creatures that exist in Granado Espada was created with a mix of classic style and a surprising fantasy.

The characters in Granado Espada are made with the concept of a family who came to explore the new world. Player account will be met by many characters, all of whom joined in a large family. The character will also have two names (first name and last name) like real people. Players will create a family name at first, then choose the name for each character. Some of the class and gender are also available for players to choose from.

The biggest difference between a traditional MMO Granado Espada with others is the ability to control three characters at once. These characters can be combined and match from a collection of characters contained in the barracks. Each character can be combined at will, so players can use two high level character and help a lower level adjacent character to level up faster. Players can choose any character to run at the front, and two other characters will follow behind. The party could also be set to automatic, so that the character will do a basic attack and defense, without spending a skill or use of unnecessary items.

Character skill can also be accessed easily by the player via hotkeys. Unlike other MMO, hotkeys are not numbers, but a row of letters on the keyboard. The first character to use row QWERTY, asdfg second character uses the line, while the third character to use row ZXCVB. It is not uncommon, but it makes sense considering we have to control three characters.

The third development in a group of characters that can be arranged at will is a profitable and attractive. Players can make the party a balance with the fighter-elementalist-healer or create a super party with three elementalist offensive at once. In addition, each class also has a different stance, which will determine his behavior. For example, by default, the Scout will act as a healer, but if equipped with a dagger, then the Scout will change his stance to be more attacking, more offensive and will again if it is equipped with two dagger. When a character's stance changed, the available skills will change.

Stance is an exciting addition in the character creation system. Although all three characters have indeed have different functions, but the stance system will make players more comfortable because it does not collide with only a single character to a character. If he was in an area that does not require a healer, then he can change the character stance and fight with more offensive.

Granado Espada also displays a faster pace than MMO's in general. Party will often meet with the enemy wherever they go, because of the high concentration of enemies and the respawn rate. It is certainly keeping the tempo fast and the fight still remains intense.

One thing that immediately looks different in Granado Espada is visual. Most fantasy MMO set in vs orcs. human castle design with stone, iron axes, green monster, and the rotting undead hordes. Granado Espada concept in the Baroque era, especially for architecture and clothing. It is a style rarely seen in an MMO and it may take some time for adjustment, but it probably is the uniqueness that can make this game special in the eyes of the players.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Driver : San Francisco

Developer Ubisoft has not much to share driver: San Francisco press conference during E3 2011th The segment begins with a look, what would have happened if the game was released 25 years ago. The minimalist style and top-down perspective went back to the classic Grand Theft Auto games (although it looked much better than any other game at this point). Then followed a brief trailer showed a good game and highlighted many of the luxury cars and landmarks in the game. Faced with a simulated traffic report, the trailer jumped from a car accident at full speed to the next.

Recently, we have practice with Driver: San Francisco and walked through the streets of the city the title. The game series Tanner on the mend after a star almost fatal car accident. This accident left Tanner's body into a coma and his spirit trapped in a supernatural world. Tanner in this world has the ability to leave his body and on the Calle San Francisco. From this perspective, the bird's-eye view that any driver who sees can be. Sometimes it makes for good, like driving an ambulance to the hospital. Other times it just to mess with people, like the creation of a frontal collision of a local news station.

Ubisoft has not revealed how the actions of internally Tanner affect your recovery, and when their actions affect the world in real time. Another thing that the developer has a closed mouth is in multiplayer mode. But after the trailer ended, it was mentioned that several players are in your cabin. We will make a swing and see what they describe as a "perfect playground car chase action." Driver: San Francisco will be this August.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bio Shock 2

Bio Shock 2 begins with a bang. This is the year 1960, ten years after the first incident in bio shock and you do not use the same character again but bio shock 2 set in the same place on the first bio shock. For those of you who have never played the first game, the city in water, Rapture, built by a megalomaniac named Andrew Ryan. The place is supposed to serve as a place for people who are geniuses who are looking for a new lifestyle free from all pressures and rules. But because of an event, the place was destroyed by the practice of genetic changes that are made here, spread to the entire population of the city. As a result, all residents of the city was transformed into sadistic and crazy style of the game in BioShock 2 will still use first-person shooter game and will have a large number of weapons can be upgraded and there are plasmids that you can use to launch special attacks and you will still be forced to fight with the Big Daddy to reach the Little Sisters that they maintain. You can combine the use of your weapon with the existing plasmids. The usefulness of these plasmids alone will change if you reinforce it. Along the game, you'll find lots of other combinations are also not less interesting.

At first you're flying over the Atlantic Ocean and then a mysterious accident occurs, you fall into the sea and floating in the water for a moment you realized that you only own and surrounded by the wreckage burned. But there is a lighthouse on a small island and then you approach the island and discover a small submersible called a bathysphere that brings you into the seabed. After seeing everything on the seabed you then sent to a secret underwater city. this city there is a genetic odd first called splicers roam and attack anything in front of him. Character customization is key to the Bio Shock 2. If you use a Big Daddy, will the splicers will give a very different reaction. They tend to attack in this group in BioShock 2, and if you just managed to corner the one enemy, the enemy will probably run away immediately.

Here, not only the enemy who will treat you differently. Little Sisters will also be hanging around in the Rapture, and after you beat the guards Big Daddy, Little Sisters will be more trust you. Little Sisters are still serves as a means to accumulate Adam, a tool that you use to upgrade your strength. Later, you will get a choice whether you want to bring the Little Sisters are with you and they will be sitting on your shoulder and go explore Rapture. When you're exploring Rapture accompanied you on the shoulder of Little Sister, Little Sister will help you to find out the location of Adam that you can get. If you want to get it all, eventually you'll enter a series of areas on defense. Then the Little Sister will fall to the ground and began to extract Adam from the corpses he found. This will take a lot of time and at the Little Sisters were busy looking for Adam, you can occupy yourself by placing a trap in the area and try to identify where you are before the splicer will come to visit the place.

Besides the Big Daddy, you will also find a Big Sister who will play many roles in BioShock 2. When you meet with a Big Sister, you will be forced to fight with him and Big Sister is much stronger when compared with the splicer in general. Faced with a Big Sister will be a challenge for you. You will definitely spend a lot of bullets just to deal with Big Sister. But do not worry, because the 2K Marin has been re-activate bullet respawn system in this sequel. If you're wondering, how do I control the Big Daddy, Jordan Thomas of 2K Marin says that control measures Big Daddy is still the same like the first game. At the beginning of the game, you're just an ordinary human being who is equipped with diving equipment. Over time, your friend will give you access to use plasmids.

At least, one of the first characters of BioShock will be back in this game, Tenenbaum, protector of the Little Sisters. There are many more other things that certainly will be interesting to watch here. It would be a lot of questions that can not be missed unless you play this game first. Changes in this game, but you will play the other protagonist, the possibility of this game will also feature multiplayer.

System to upgrade your character using the tonics and plasmids have started re-enabled in this latest sequel. Plasmids are similar to incinerate, will change the function as its development and it will allow you to shoot fire from your hand when you managed to achieve a higher level. You will also be able to heal and repair the robots friends and turret so that makes them the most effective way to attack.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


MotorStorm is one of the exclusive series that became the mainstay of Sony's PS3. This series is also a first-party series that has penetrated the first three titles in Sony's next-gen console them. An achievement which was celebrated by the developer, Evolution Studios, while continuing to think of the latest innovations for the racing series such death.

MotorStorm is a racing game that always presents the action-packed, and it continues until now, the destruction and chaos is the core of MotorStorm Apocalypse. A game that focuses more to the destruction rather than race, it is very typical of this game.

In the Apocalypse, players will race in the world being destroyed, precisely in a city that is slowly crumbling to rubble. With the city destroyed buildings and debris everywhere, players will face challenges from the environment and of course from the other racers.

Racing games and the storyline does not get along, in Apocalypse too. Overall, the Evolution has been assembling a whole story is pretty good, but it does not come from a variety cutscene that appears on the sidelines of the race in single palyer mode Festival. like other racing games, maybe we better to skip and go directly to a racetrack.

Level of destruction that is presented is phenomenal, and with impressive Evolution managed to destroy the entire city without keteteran. Although bridges and buildings collapsed, but its frame rate stays smooth.

Unfortunately, the vehicles are not as graphically displayed. MotorStorm's not a game that emphasizes the handling, but beyond the capabilities that are owned by a variety of vehicle, still feels something is missing for a racing game.

New additions such as the hot hatch and the muscle car is quite comfortable and stable in terms of bend angle, but unfortunately the two-wheeled vehicle that is not good as it. Superbike and Chopper is rather difficult to control.
MotorStorm always be a game of 'cruel'. With the abundance of debris falling from the sky, it is very easy for players to hit the ruins. The purpose of this game seems to always destroy the vehicle player, a situation that sometimes can be very tiring and frustrating. The more frequent play, then the track that there will be more familiar to the vehicle the player will not often become victims.

Fortunately the multiplayer offline not disappointed. The mode will remind the players to thrill race four players in split screen, and Evolution has been presented well. Game will continue smoothly despite the chaos and destruction must display on the four screens SplitScreen. Obviously this mode is the most prominent mode in MotorStorm Apocalypse. Race among the ruins is stressful and difficult for suspected.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is a gift, gilded with moments that stay with you even after the curtains close on its dark tale of uncertain pasts and uncertain futures. Like the rare Roses of Remembrance you might find growing in this role-playing game's lush fields, these moments are carefully cultivated. Some bugs, combat quirks, and other foibles prove bothersome, but they don't greatly diminish the impact of exploring a dungeon whose walls ooze the agony you've just witnessed. This superb role-playing sequel offers a bold world woven together by tenuous alliances and closely guarded secrets.

The Witcher 2's phenomenal visual design isn't its defining characteristic, but it's an effective lure and makes for an immediate connection with the game's provocative tone. In The Witcher 2, sights like these communicate so much. The delicate lace of a sorceress's collar gives her a regal air, yet dark makeup and dark brown eyes speak to mysteries beneath the surface. Walls, cliffs, and meadows aren't just repeated textures. The superlative art is rendered by equally superlative technology that ensures you can admire the rips on a mercenary's trousers, a harpy's individual feathers, and the buckles and seams on Geralt's clothing. Yet The Witcher 2 is as much about grand gestures as it is textural detail. Pungent colors, roaring flames, and shafts of glowing light make mainstay environments like sewers and caves a wonder to explore. The game is nevertheless demanding of your hardware, though it is attractive even at lower settings. A few imperfections stand out amidst all the graphical wizardry, such as mechanical facial animations, characters that pop in during cutscenes, and the occasional frame rate dip. But such quibbles are easily tolerated in this luxuriant digital world.

And what a world it is, alive with activity yet tinged with violence and sorrow. The opening moments ready you for the game's brutal overtones, showing a captive Geralt of Rivia whipped and taunted by his jailers. Geralt's defaced flesh is not an easy sight to take in, but it's thematically relevant: The witcher is scarred by his past. Geralt, once thought dead, is still piecing together his memories of a savage battle and a beauty called Yennefer. The story takes its cue from these lost memories, juxtaposing violence and sex. It also presents both as inevitable and natural results of the human (and nonhuman) condition. You can still bed various women in The Witcher 2, as you could in the original game, though you no longer collect sex cards. Lovemaking (or ploughing, as so many characters call it) is a frequent subject of conversation, and it's one of Geralt's favorite pastimes. You can bed a few different women, and the game hardly shies from nudity, handily earning its mature rating. Geralt seeks clues to his past, as well as the royal assassin that ended the life of King Foltest at the conclusion of TheWitcher. Geralt is blamed for Foltest's murder, but as he gets closer to the true killer, he becomes more and more involved in the region's power struggles. Characters new and old both assist and hinder Geralt's quest. These include the flamboyant bard Dandelion and the earthy Zoltan, a foul-mouthed dwarf who, like most of The Witcher 2's dwarves, loves women and drink. Dwarves are a rich source of humor in most role-playing games, and The Witcher 2's are no exception. It's initially funny to learn that teetotaling dwarves are outcasts. You might admire a bearded character's enthusiasm for heading to battle for the first time, but when pressed, he admits his misgivings. Aside from the occasional expository speech, most of the dialogue sounds natural, including the asides spoken by random citizens. The Witcher 2 is not an open-world game in the way of The Elder Scrolls games; each area is relatively contained though expansive enough to encourage exploration. The characters at your side, the enemies you face, the dialogue--they all differ based on a series of decisions that the game never forgets. And these aren't "good" or "bad" choices: these are ambiguous circumstances with ambiguous results, which is just as well. Geralt is not interested in heroism or villainy. He navigates turbulent waters seeking neither justice nor injustice, only answers
A number of stupendous moments punctuate your choices. Typically, the events you most fondly recall from RPGs are story related: the characters, the plot twists, the losses, the finales. By contrast, The Witcher 2 etches gameplay events into your imagination. This moment is recalled several times later yet retains its power due to its otherworldly ambience, sense of scale, and fun combat.

If you played the original Witcher, then forget what you learned from its combat mechanics. The Witcher 2 abandons that rhythmic system for a more traditional and challenging one. You initiate standard attacks with your mouse, and you block and cast signs (Geralt's magic spells) with the keyboard. Your first encounter during the prologue/tutorial makes for a punishing introduction: Expect to die a few times as you learn just what the game expects of you. Eventually you grasp the rhythm, which is similar to that of the PlayStation 3 game Demon's Souls. You must position yourself well and pay close attention to your supply of vigor, which is required to block, as well as cast signs; get in a few choice hits; and then block or tumble into a safer position. There's a great sense of weight in every swing. Geralt might somersault toward his victim and slash him with a steel sword or use a flaming staff pilfered from a succubus to land slower, heavier blows. As you level up and spend skill points in four different skill paths (witcher training, swordsmanship, magic, alchemy), combat becomes more manageable, and you begin to feel more powerful. And yet, the action never becomes a cakewalk, and it always retains a sense of urgency.

And so death is inescapable, but The Witcher 2 allows you to properly prepare before trying to conquer the wilds. Meditation is a returning mechanic, though you no longer have to find a campfire as in the first game. Potions are toxic to Geralt; thus, the number you can drink is limited. When the story snatches you up into a series of battles and cutscenes, you may never be allowed to meditate and, thus, never reap the benefits potions may have granted. It's a neat way of taking a game-y function and making it seem more natural. Other interface quirks are less understandable. Not so minor are the few quest bugs that can aggravate your travels. The only solution to these circumstances is to hope you accidentally stumble upon the next phase of the story or reload a previous game save. These are disappointing errors in a well-made game with an otherwise stellar presentation.

Combat is central to The Witcher 2, but it's not the only way to pass the time. You can trade blows with certain locals, though you may cringe when you first learn that doing so entails quick-time key presses--the kind associated more with console action games than computer RPGs. (Such quick-time events crop up in various boss fights and other scripted sequences as well.) Like many ambitious games, The Witcher 2 requires you to shoulder some minor burdens; in this case, it's a finale without bite and some unfortunate bugs. This distinguished game makes an important statement: Visual beauty, challenging action, and game-changing decisions can coexist in a modern RPG. In one beauteous stroke, The Witcher 2 has raised the stakes. No longer need we accept that role-playing games must sacrifice the quality of one element in favor of another.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fable III

Fable III has been released and the results are actually managed to meet the expectations of his fans. It tells of the journey of a prince who tries to free his kingdom from an evil brother and basically the game is divided into two parts. The first part is the longest part of building a team of heroes that can fight the insurgency. This is accomplished by slowly and build up wealth and power, completing quests and interacting with local townspeople.
Completed the main task and the game will take place dramatically is one reason why this game is very good.

Narrated half a century has passed since the events in Fable II. Industrial era has emerged in Albion, but all that comes with oppression, despair and starvation. Children are all employed at the plant and the beggars who filled the streets filled with dirt. A leader who does not know mercy, child of the main character in Fable II, sat on his throne and squeeze all he could get. Albion now needed a new hero and this is where your role emerge. As a brother or sister of the king who ruled the country for this, is your task to collect a lot of troops to overthrow the leadership of the king and give back hope to the Albion.

Indeed Fable III has a similar storyline like a fairy tale. Game design itself is also very precisely with the Fable games before. You will run the mission, the fight against Hobbes, collect some items and explore the hidden world that is so broad and flexible and is filled with elements of British-style humor. Now, everything is much more regular and more traditional than ever before.

Now, who managed to make Fable III was unique is because of the politics surrounding the layer of this Fable. The main goal of the game now is to gather as many followers as possible so you can move a step forward again, so automatically you will be able to unlock new game elements, upgrade your character and ultimately, to overthrow the tyrannical king. Actually similar to your efforts in the political world. By completing missions, giving money to beggars, shake hands and make an appointment to the important leaders in the world is one way to prove that you yourself deserve to be called a hero.

After all that's done is done, the game become more attractive again. Unlike most games there are fairy tale, a king or queen will not automatically end it all. All the promises you've ever given to the community and the people who had never met before will charge you promise to you and it is your duty is to fulfill that promise. This is one part of the game that successfully makes it unique and could encourage players to take actual decisions with consequences that are also ready to wait for gamers.

While Fable III is not a difficult game, but we think that makes this game interesting for us is that the decision you take has its own consequences. Because the decisions you have taken that would provide a causal effect is not guessed at, and sometimes, there are few consequences due to the decisions you take could cause harm to some parties. There is absolutely no easy way to solve the problem. Now, your position as a leader will be tested, if you fit to be a leader or not. Fable III aspire to becoming a lot of players playing on that tune, and if this game continues to grow rapidly it is not impossible that this game will be Final Fantasy compertitor who first recognized the crowd.

Diablo 3

Two decades ever since the three rulers of darkness, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal ravaged world of Sanctuary and all its contents. Until now finally after the third Prime Evil was defeated, the people who used to feel kedashyatannya Sanctuary gradually began to forget the bad events.

During his visit back to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral, Deckard Cain is trying to find clues to defeat new dark figure who began returning to undermine the human, the sky appeared a sign of a flash of fire just grabbed the first point to the emergence Diablo Sanctuary. A sign of the heavens is like to call for the heroes of Sanctuary to bounce back fight to protect the world from the dark influence of Burning Hell.

Similarly, a glimpse of the storyline is trying appointed Blizzard in Diablo III. As revealed in the first demo of this game in public at the time the Blizzard Invitational 2008 annual event, held in Paris, 28-29 June. By introducing the two characters (of which there are five characters in the game), the Barbarian and Witch Doctor. "We've been wanting to explore the storyline and gameplay elements of Diablo into a stage further," said Mike Morhaime, as the CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment.

Blizzard admitted that the development of Diablo III has been carried out from 2005, with the initial artistic designs differ from that shown in the demo this time. In the process until now, the creators of Diablo III teams totaling 50 people has undergone three revisions. Among the team's creator, Jay Wilson's name listed as the responsible design that never handle Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War and Company Heroes.

Later, the Diablo III playable for single player and multiplayer as well. According to the plan, no matter prepares Blizzard players who can connect with each other for easier and make the cooperation among the players to make it more enjoyable. It is too early to know when Diablo III will be released in Indonesia. However, the Blizzard promises to release Diablo III to many countries simultaneously.

Use of new skill becomes easier in Diablo III, because of the combat system and new user interface that prioritizes the use of skill rather than use potions. Blizzard is trying to reduce the use of potions by gamers for gamers too often become highly dependent on potions during the fight than they use the skills they have. By that, now every enemy will drop a health item globe, whose function is to add your health as well as other players are one group with you. One of the best features in Diablo III compared to the previous game series is in-game events that flowed so neat and well in line with the original storyline in the game trying to be appointed. The random scripted events sound like one of the coolest additions to the game. Each play-through, players will encounter scenarios that are quite different from their previous trip through the game. In one area, you might see a house filled with undead enemies--along with a story about the home's former residents. The second time you play through, that same area might contain a caravan that you'll be prompted to escort to safety. The next time that area might simply be filled with monsters just begging for the opportunity to be killed by you. Scripted events look to greatly increase the level of immersion into the world of Diablo III while keeping the player coming back for more at the same time. There will also be a conversation system in the game, which will give voice to your character in the game; more so than the handful of exclamations your character had in the previous game. We hope to learn more about the conversation system for Diablo III over the weekend and will report back with more details.

Beyond that, Blizzard is still shut up about the exact number of character classes that can be played at Diablo III later releases. Although it has been confirmed by Blizzard that not all the classes in Diablo II will be brought well into Diablo III. Plus, blizzard has not been able to determine how many gamers can play together with a game feature online co-op who incidentally is very vital in this game.Plausibility of hell to be able to play together with online co-op feature that eight people, but they reasoned Blizzard will take the decision to prefer the comfort of his players in playing the game, then most likely will not amount to eight people.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mafia 2

Mafia II finally appeared and this time you will be brought into the adventure in the Italian city that once again, will involve the mafia groups (according to the title game itself). As usual, you'll adventure with the Grand Theft Auto-style game, complete with a vehicle that you can get anywhere, the weapons are also quite varied (in accordance with its time) and do not forget also the way the story is quite interesting. Now the question is, whether the Mafia II is satisfying as its predecessor? Let us discuss with the review below.

In Mafia II, you will play as a guy named Vito Scaletta, a young Italian, who had just returned from World War II. Vito's return was not only welcomed by his family, but also the bad news related to its debt ¬ father is very large. While the father had died. Finally, Vito asked for help his friend, Joe Barbaro to find employment. From where Vito will meet with various characters who eventually made him as an accomplice Falcone mob family. Vito had to fight against the various machinations of the three major mafia groups, namely Falcone, Vinci, and Clemente Upon returning from the war, he knows the fact that it turns out his mother and sister, was in trouble borrowing money with a loan shark. Vito who discovered this fact began to try everything and finally decided that life is "not wealthy" is not suitable for him. Afterwards, Vito started doing all the dirty work to earn money and pay for his life with a glamorous life, ranging from eliminating a person, stealing cars and much more.

Well, all events in this game takes place in Empire Bay, a city designed in such a way that is similar to New York City, complete with residents, police, vehicles as well as Playboy magazine can you find lying about anywhere. The first time you play this game, we are confident you will feel the atmosphere of an open-world game that has been waiting for you, with the mission and tasks that you must run. You can also find lots of things that will certainly make you think that this game is a MUST open-world game. There are clothes shops, there are gun shops, no restaurants and much more. If you have problems with the police, you can choose to pay a fine to the police if it's a mistake you only have small errors (such as speeding and such). If the fault is associated with murder, you can change clothes to fool the police. What about vehicles? All you need to do is go to a repair shop and ask the mechanic to change the number plate. Why replace the license plate number or change clothes? Because this time, the police will be more than just catch you alone, but this time they will also remember the face (perhaps more precisely the appearance) as well as considering the number of police vehicles you. If you want to survive, then you must complete several tasks at the top. You will get some money if the mission can be completed. In addition, you can also earn money by robbing a store or stealing a car and then sell it. To rob a store, aim your weapon to the clerk. If you want to rob a gun store, kill the seller. If not, you will be shot first. To steal a car there are two ways, namely using lockpick or break the glass. Found money you can use to buy clothes, modifying cars, and buy weapons and ammunition.

But it was all just camouflage it. Why do we say camouflage? Because the truth in this game, you are always guided by the existing storyline. You'll never really get a chance to really explore it freely Empire Bay. While it is sometimes you can do little exploration, but it's all just temporary. Once completed, all you know is that apparently the game has you play for a few hours it was finished.

Does this necessarily make it a bad game to play? The fact is, even though there may be a good idea if the game is also getting the freedom to roam as well as Grand Theft Auto full of freedom. As a game that seems truly mission-oriented, this game is a good game. But unfortunately, precisely because of it, this game was changed to seem like a container to accommodate a city that seems unrealistic. It is true there are many people passing by in this game, but they all seem stiff and it makes the game seem empty.

Ghost Recon : Future Soldier

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is the newest series in the popular game. GRFS has a faster tempo than the preceding games, the tactics that are run in a few seconds and the battle will be closer to the players. Displaying a Ghost (player character) who ran and moved to shelter, stopping briefly and then shoot down a helicopter with a rocket launcher, is proof that despite GRFS cover is still a game-based action game that combines first person and third person.

The new thing is the link-up of his system, an innovative new way nan in cooperative mode that is becoming a trend in games today. "A lot of people figure out how to work in a team if there are children running around us, screaming and crying," says author GRFS, Gabrielle Shrager.

GRFS solutions offered are very simple, a switch that connects the player with all the other players. Up to four players can work together as a unit with 360 degree vision. "I think this is the first game that allows players to work well without having to yell at other players," believes Shrager.

This is an interesting idea that its value can only be tested when this game came out. In theory, high skill players were able to become a leader, directing three other players as additional weapons for himself. Anyone who feels constrained to take off the button and run free. The situation in the game will be adjusted to mechanism, which would guarantee every battle in GRFS into a fierce battle.

Like every game Ghost Recon, and may be practically almost all the games Tom Clancy, GRFS stunning display equipment. Graw exceeds the setting time in 2014, technology in GRFS thick with science fiction, although Ubisoft stated that everything in the game based on prototypes that exist in the real world.

Optical Camo is the most amazing new equipment, and certainly this is the stuff that eager to be made by the scientists of today. Using this, players can hardly be seen by the enemy. On the battlefield, this costume will allow players to sneak behind the enemy.
This favorite from previous Ghost Recon is also shown, namely cross-com that serves to control UAVs and drones. This time, the machine will be part of a more effective weapons, and will help all members of the troop.

Another aspect to be preserved is a fictional storyline that is very possible. Russian leader descended from a group of extreme nationalists who brought Russia into the war throughout Nortern Europe. The ghost, was led by Edward ‘Kozak’ Kachenko, new people who carry out essential task.
Ghost Recon was setting in Northern Europe is visual in this game will be far from the sand and heat, as in Graw. Views of the towering pine forests with snow, clearly indicating that this is not Mexico. All the visual display will look great thanks to the 60fps frame-rate.

There are still many unclear things about this game, such as the exact mechanism of how the multiplayer will be applied. It seems we still have to wait until several more months. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier planned to be released later this year.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2, a sci-fi action-adventure game from CAPCOM®.When the first Lost Planet 2 is shown, this game seems to have all the elements required by the cool games in general. Starting from the music that evokes the spirit of play, the scenes of a tense battle against the enemy until the game graphics are so indulgent gamers. Not to mention plus a number of weapons that you can use and do not forget to also robots that are very diverse that you can use in your adventures against enemies.

But unfortunately, a game that originally is actually just a game that seemed simple, the longer it becomes increasingly more difficult and complicated to be played. An error which we think should not happen in a game with big names like Lost Planet.

Let's start talking about this game. new features available in the Lost Planet 2 is a feature that allows you to change body size or to add something to a particular part to strengthen it. You can change the head, body, back and legs. You can add or change the appearance of your armor. You can even change the appearance of your character to be male or female.

There are still many other options that you can feel. In essence, these features will help you to create a character that is truly unique. To unlock all those features, you must increase the level and unlock weapons, as well as the capability of existing equipment. In terms of weaponry, Lost Planet 2 offers so many cool weaponry. One that characterizes the weapons here are the size of the weapon that most are very large. Shoot the enemy with all these weapons really feels satisfying. One thing that we feel is a bit confusing here is that when you're fighting the enemy, but you will not be too experienced many problems to get used to game the system.

In terms of robots that you can use, all robots are mostly very fun to drive. There are several types of robots that you can use here. There are robots that can fly, there are robots that can fire rockets or lasers and some robots are armed only with two gatling gun on his shoulders, or sometimes just a big shotgun armed with two weapons that will certainly make an ordinary person who fired it straight bounce. Amazingly here, the main character you can remove such weapons from the robot and immediately took him away without any difficulty.

In terms of the level of the game, Lost Planet 2 provides a game area that is quite varied and generally really looks very beautiful. There is an impressive futuristic warehousing area, there are areas of dense forest, there are areas under water, there is desert, and even this time you will also be an adventure into space using a robot is given. Well, most of the mission here will ask you to try to cross a certain level as to enable post data that would serve as a place to respawn if your character dead. during the game, every few hours you will be faced with large creatures that would hinder you. These creatures are known as Category-G Akrids and have certain areas of the orange that you can attack them because that's the point of weakness. Do not be surprised if you encounter an enemy who would later is very diverse and on average is enough to make you stunned during a game.

In our opinion, the tempo of the game in this game also includes nice because all the elements of a given action is never reduced levels impressed. The fight for the sake of the fight launched by the boss and the boss keeps popping up that will cause you're overwhelmed. Reinforcements you're just a huge robots that you can ride. If you play this game together with your friends, we are confident this game will feel much more satisfying anymore. Yes, Kotakers not misread. This game can indeed be played online co-op, so you can collaborate with your friends to attack the enemy.
• 4-player co-op action: Team up to battle the giant Akrid in explosive 4 player co-operative play. Teamwork is the player’s key to victory
as the team is dependent on each other to succeed and survive.
• Single-player game evolves based on players decisions and actions
• Deep level of character customization: Players will have hundreds of different ways to customize their look to truly help them define their character on the battlefield both on- and offline. Certain weapons can also be customized to suit individual player style.
• Beautiful massive environments: Capcom’s advanced graphics engine, MT Framework 2.0, will bring the game to life with the next step in 3D fidelity and performance.
• Massive scale of enemies: Players skill on the battlefield and work as a team will be tested like never before against the giant Akrid. Players will utilize teamwork tactics, new weapons and a variety of vital suits (VS) to fight these larger-than-life bosses.
• Rewards System- Players will receive rewards for assisting teammates and contributing to the team’s success
• Multiplayer modes and online ranking system
• Exciting new VS features- Based on fan feedback, the team has implemented an unbelievable variety of Vital Suits and new ways to combat VSs. The new VS system will have a powerful impact on the way the player takes to the war zone in Lost Planet 2

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3

I want to discuss offline game which will release this year.
Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 (or COD MW 3). Who doesn’t know this game, every body was already know what it is Call Of Duty.
Game first person shooter (FPS) this one is already awaited in many countries that have a community of this game. And good news for you all lovers of “Call Of Duty”, this game will release in November. This game is production by leading U.S studios that Infinity ward, Sledgehammer games and Raven Software.

With this third series, COD MW 3 telling Superpower countries as Americans, english, french, german, etc. Chaos happened in 4 country and goverment ordered their millitary force to counter Russian invasion of their countries respectively. Us Delta Force operatives and British SAS forces teaming up against the Russian ultranasionalist who have made the critical mistake of invating their home turf. Indeed, battles will be waged in both New York and London as you seek to deal with the Russian threat using a little tactic called “ any gun you can get your hands on”.
You first goal in the new york demo is to carve your way trough war-torn lower Manhattan in order to make it to the stock exchange building. This level paints manhattan as a city in ruins, with overturned cars filling the streets, massive section of the road sunk into the ground, and buildings teetering on the edge of collapse. In true Call of Duty fashion, you’re moving trought a tightly scripted pathway without much opportunity to veer off and explore at your own leisure. In this level alone, you go from outside on board street, up into a neighboring building overlooking the stock exchange’s familiar oversized american flag, and then down on to the floor of the exchange with its familiar circular computer pods. Eventualy you and your team make it up on to the roof of the exchange.
There didn’t seem to be an awful lot of gameplay addition in this particular demo. The main character was using a gun with a special new attachment that could be swapped from red dot sight to a magnified ACOG sight with a simple of twist of wirst, which will probably add some welcome flexibility for those who would prefer one gun to deal with both close and distant enemies. Then there was another gun that we couldn’t quite make it out, bit it appeared to have the form factor of a sniper rifle with the ability to lob grenades using a pintpoint, heavily magnifed sniper rifle zoom.

This new york demo was an oddly muted one compared to the direction the series seemed to be heading in the Modern Warfare 2. There was no swelling music until near the end, litle communication between squadmates. Perhaps it’s that codevelopers Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer want to stay more true to the surgical Delta Force tactics, or maybe it’s that demolished Manhattan level doesn’t carry the same impact coming on the heels of crysis 2.this level begins with a pilot cruising above london using the familiar infrared vision of an AC-130 gunship. But quickly enough, you jump into SAS operative down on the ground in what turns out to be rainy industrial neighborhood of london under a gloomy midnight sky. The SAS begin by quickly and quietly moving trought a dilapidate building. Taking out enemies with silenced submacine gun.

Eventualy the fight spills out into parking lot, then into a construction yard and eventualy down a large ramp descending into some sort of under ground But a moment later it was revealed that there is an underground construction site. In fact, somehow lead the way into london underground tunnel. The bad guys chase you and jump into one of the train carriages, but your squad a bit late, so you have to fight yourself. In pursuit at high speed in a dark tunnel, you're behind a Russian truck. At one point, you even pass the train station crowded with civilians, then and your truck lost control and fell to the ground, after the game logo appeared and the demo ended. Obviously with the presence of Call Of Duty : Modern Warfaren 3 will enliven the world. I’ll be sure to report back as we find out more leading up to the game’s November release.